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3255 W. Altgeld Map
Christopher House
Wheeler Kearns Architects
Christopher House is redeveloping the former Logan Square library (which was replaced by a new green library) into a 14,000 sf child daycare and family resource center. This new site for the 100-year old social service organization will include preschool, daycare, and after school classrooms, a motor skills playroom, plus offices, conference rooms, and a computer lab supporting Christopher House's adult education, computer literacy and family counseling programs. The project is seeking a LEED Certified rating, partially driven by a board made up of many members in the building industry.
The most major construction in the conversion is the introduction of a new courtyard through selective demolition to provide daylight, views and outdoor playspace for the lower level classrooms and offices. This is an interesting example where something that is somewhat green (the daylight) is also driven by code requirements for natural light in classrooms - occasionally our codes are greener than we think! 4,000 sf of new landscaped playgrounds provides an opportunity for native, drought resistance planting and permeable paving, made up of both the popular Ecoloc pavers and rubber play tiles over a stormwater-absorbing gravel aggregate base. There is also a fairly large green roof (over 60% of the main roof).
Other green features are fairly standard, with no aggressive energy efficiency features, and water savings limited to items such as dual-flush toilets. Project completion is scheduled for late August 2007. Other team members include MEP engineer and commissioning agent ESD, civil engineer Terra, Wolff Landscape Architecture, structural engineer Thornton Tomasetti, and general contractor Clune Construction.